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Autumn is here! Hooray!
Ok, so what you should all know before reading this post is this: I HATE winter. With a violent violent extreme passion. This probably comes from my extreme hatred of being cold (and the fact that I once fell on the ice and cracked my tail-bone...) but I digress. I like the way winter looks... in pictures. Not in person. But do you know what I like the best about winter? AUTUMN! Ok, I know I make no sense whatsoever but who cares, it's my blog and if I want to speak Krystalese, than I am queen and I can decide to do just that. Right, so, Autumn.
That is what it looks like just behind my apartment. So, so pretty. (BTW these pictures come courtesy of me being up after almost no sleep last night and being extremely hyper this morning.) Here's another one, just for my Angie. Hi Angie!
Pretty, no? You miss it up there in cold Canada don't ya? He he he... sorry. On to more personal stuff. Here's my hubby with his girl sleeping on his lap during my birthday party Saturday.
Isn't that precious? She's so sweet... And here's possibly the saddest birthday card I've ever gotten. I had to take a picture. See, my dad hasn't been well for a while, and we know this, but he refuses to go to the doctor. He's as sure as we all are that he has lung cancer and he's scared that if he goes to the doctor, he'll be dead in six months. I think he means that either they'll treat him and the treatment will kill him, or, since he could refuse treatment, just the knowing it might kill him. Anyway, he seems so much older than he is and he shakes really bad... and here's his signature on my birthday card.
Look at the little hearts. I saw that and I just started crying... I mean they're so cute and so unlike my dad to draw little hearts... Ahem.Ok, sorry, had to have a short break there to cheer myself up. On to sunnier things.
Literally. That's my friend Emmy and I in her car taking a pic of ourselves. I like it. I know, I know, you're really here for knitting pictures and news, not sad family stuff and pictures of the trees... well, here it is. I am officially working on Chart two of Icarus, which, if you know Icarus, is a really really really good thing. Means I'm close to the end. Hopefully it's done in the next month. I want to have it for Thanksgiving. Anyway, no picture of that cause you all know it's just a big wine colored blob. Today, I got this in the mail.
That, my friends, is my mom's Christmas present. Well, no, not yet, but it's getting there. (By the way, that would be Socks that rock Medium weight in the color Rocktober.) Already today it went from that, to this...
(You gotta love the sophisticated system, huh?) Then it turned into a ball...
Which was then, turned into...
A toe! I'm pretty sure these are just going to be generic toe-up socks... but I dunno, I might add something like the things in Dublin Bay to the top. Who knows. All I know is I need to get over my hatred of Stockinette, suck it up, and knit. Ok, now these next two pictures are totally and completely whacko. First of all... I was stupid. But you all know how much I hate gauge swatches. I mean, no matter what they lie anyway, right? So, I didn't do one because I was thinking to myself, "You ALWAYS get 8 stitches to an inch in st st on size ones with this yarn. What makes you think this color will be any different?" So, right after I finished the toe, I started thinking. "Wait. Don't you usually knit str with lightweight?" So, in horror, I get out the tape measure, take a deep breath, and count. Eight stitches per inch. So I count again. Same. Well, I think to myself, you would get different gauge on the toe since it's worked back and forth, so why don't you measure a different toe and check your gauge there. So I did. On my garden path sock. Right stitches per inch. Are you sensing my confusion at this point? Totally different size yarn, same size needles... same gauge. It makes absolutely no sense, but, being a blogger, I took pictures to prove it.
There's the garden path sock...
And the Roctober socks. This so freaking totally blows my mind. So leave me a comment if you can explain... or maybe it's just me, maybe I can't count. Who knows. In any case, it looks the same size at the other one...P.S. Think my mom will like the colors? She LOVES fall, and the colors, and she said her favorites are earthy tones. So... what do you think? If you comment you might win a prize...
1 comment:
Oooh pretty... both the trees and the yarn. And I counted too. Apparently you still know how to count. *grin* I get 8 spi too. Weird
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