That's right people. I've finally actually finished something. It's like a freaking miracle. I just cast off my "Dream swatch" headband from The Garter Belt and I love it. It's so beautiful. Let's see... I used... not very much (a LOT less than half a skein... probably only a fourth of a skein or so...) of Socks that Rock Lucy, and I changed the pattern (being a knitter... we tend to do that). I took out one repeat of the pattern per row, so it wouldn't be so wide, and I only made it 34 inches instead of 48 inches long, because I didn't want it to hang all the way down my back. That's 34 inches unblocked. Blocked... well I'm blogging and then posting, so hopefully I'll remember to add how long it is... here are pictures. Soaking...
And blocking...
Blocking up close... from both sides....
And blocked! And look, the top of my blondish head yet again...
And here's the back of it, just in case you wondered... yeah baby, I love my digital camera. Oh yeah.
By the way... it's 36 inches after washing and blocking. Exactly what I hoped for! yay!
Hey everyone! I am 25 years old and in central Ohio. I'm currently living with my fiance at my parents' house, with one dog, one cat, and more video game systems than I previously thought I would ever have. I'm a knitter, as is my fiance, so expect to once and a while see cute baby things we made showcased.
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