Sunday, August 26, 2007

At the Zoo again, part 2

Ok, so this is the last seriously picture heavy post for a while, I promise. These are the rest of the pictures from when Emmy and I went to the Zoo. Firs,t the grizzly bears. There's two of them here.

It looks like just one doing something weird with it's body and head or something... but it's really two. You can see them better here.

These guys are just... huge.

Here's a picture to see how big their feet are. My hand doesn't even cover half of it.

We also saw Mexican wolves, but no Timber Wolves. I found this really interesting cause I got to watch their body language and know what it means. I think she was the alpha female. When the others approached her, they had their tails and ears down.

This guy was seriously close to the glass. When I moved I spooked him.

And this one is just being cute.

Look! A big kitty! (I think it's a puma...)

And here's the Rhino. There was also a Rhino outside but he blended in with the wall so I didn't take his picture.

And here's Bodhi, the baby Elephant. I took lots of pictures of him because he's so cute. I'm not gonna caption all of them. He was the only elephant we saw though.

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