Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day?

Yeah, right. I'm sure that's what it is I'm having. A HAPPY Valentine's day. *annoyed sigh* Right. So Dave is being such an asshole I don't even remember why I thought it'd be a good idea to marry him. For those of you who don't know (Did I blog about it? I don't remember...) Dave lost his job. AGAIN. Now, he got a new job and started working Monday. Unfortunately, he doesn't get paid until March 2nd. Which is a problem because we haven't paid February's rent yet. Now, I don't know how many of you know renting laws, but MOST places won't let you go a freaking month without paying rent. So we're going to talk to them and let them know what's going on. Anyway... I'm not stressed out about this. I don't GET stressed about about shit like this. You know why? Because of something my old friend Joey once told me. "Smile-you're going to heaven." Why would I get stressed out when I KNOW I'm going to heaven when I die? If we do get kicked out of here I know we have thirty days from when they serve the eviction notice, which means if they served the eviction notice TODAY (which they can't- they have to serve a three day notice first) Then we will have gotten his second paycheck on the day that we have to leave. That's helpful. And also, he's mad at me because of two reasons. 1) I told him that I know I have a place to live if we get kicked out. My mom would let me move in with her. I don't know about him, but me and the dogs have a place to live. 2) He needed one of us to go to the bank. And the post office, and to get a newspaper. I told him I wasn't going. He's in disbelief about it. I don't know why. He's really stupid if he thought he could get me to go out in the middle of the worst storm we've had in like, 50 years, because he's too fucking lazy to get off his ass and do stuff that he needs done. And I swear to God if he comes back without bringing me a blizzard (from Dairy Queen. I've been craving one for like two days) or some chocolate (since it IS Valentine's Day and I still haven't gotten a gift from him... not even an e-card which is what I gave him since I have no money) I'm going to either scream my head off until he calls the funny farm on me, kill him, or leave him. I swear it. I'm sooooo done with his attitude towards me. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. He's the one who got fired, he's the one who can't support his freaking family. It is not my fault.

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